#bad fenton parents
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catthestampede · 3 months ago
Danny Phantom is a red lantern oh no
Danny’s angry really really angry
About as angry as a dead teenager can get
Danny’s been slowly getting angrier over the last two years since the first time he called the justice league for help and he was told to stop making up stories
or stop freaking calling us kid
Or prank calls aren’t funny
or literally anything that they could come up with as long as it was not the truth
Because clearly Danny from Amany Park is a liar.
Because ghost aren’t real let’s not think about the justice league dark that exist but there’s no hotline to them
Danny just had to keep trying with the normal justice league he was stupid after the fourth time he should’ve just given up but he kept trying for over six months
And then his number is blocked
And that was the day Danny lost any and all faith that anyone would ever come to help
The next week Dan attacked
Two months after that Pariah Dark attacked
Two months after that most of his town was killed and destroyed
Two days after that he finally finds Tucker‘s body
Two days after that he’s breaking into a g I w base to get some of the people back and he finds Sam’s corpse
Approximately 40 minutes later he finds Ellie getting experimented on by his parents
No Dr. Fentons experimenting on his little sister daughter cousin
Approximately 14 minutes later the GIW base blew up
Approximately three days later Ellie was OK she looked to be about six months old and that’s a generous giving.
Jazz was also OK somehow she’s still very injured but nothing life-threatening
That was also the day Danny realize he had a ring on his finger
(A year and a half later )
Denny’s created free distinctive Lee different identities
Is Danny Nightingale A tragic orphan who managed to get his grades up after he lost everything but his sister and his daughter
Danny Phantom The ghost king fair is a calm kind of humans and would never heard any of them currently negotiating with the government for peace
And dawn The red lantern Who has a great deal against three things
The GIW and any and all sympathizers
Vlad Masters
And the justice league
He separated those free identities to the best of his capabilities with the help of all of his resources
Now with the GIW on their last leg and Ellie said to start preschool soon
And Vlad was taken care of relatively fast lift the object of his obsession being gone he was so weak
So if all that taken care of there’s only one thing left
Crush the justice league one step at a time
And who knows what he’ll do after that maybe he’ll try to figure out how to ruin Christmas forever or something equally villainess because that seems to be the path is going down (:
Whatever he’ll figure it out when it comes time
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stars-obsession-pit · 4 months ago
…you know what could be a really horrible twist for a fic to pull?
It starts with the “kind Fenton parents pull some other people into their family in a chaotic but loving way” dynamic I’ve seen in some DPxDC fics/prompts (e.g. Family Bonding and Other Perilous Pursuits)
but then it’s also a bad parents vivisection fic.
Like, it’s presented from the perspective of those outsiders. And to them, the Fentons wholeheartedly presented as incredibly kind, loving people (after all, they’re not ghosts). Thus, at first, the story feels like the typical family fluff/comedy affair.
And then the readers get a scene showing the vivisection part.
All the fluff is ruined, almost painful to read knowing truth. But the characters still don’t know yet.
Sure, they’ll presumably find out eventually, but in the meantime the reader is left waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Dramatic irony and all that.
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letoasai · 8 months ago
Phantom prompt- cold reception
After finding Ellie in his parents lab, Danny reacts poorly. He reveals himself to be Phantom immediately, and uses his ice to freeze his parents' feet to the floor. He freezes their hands together too to prevent them from grabbing any weapons.
He could take his parents not knowing about him. He could take them hunting him. He could take the verbal abuse during dinner as they casually spoke about their anti-ghost rhetoric. He could hide himself. What he couldn't take was Ellie getting hurt. He hadn't even known how long she'd been down there.
They were screaming at him, demanding to know what he'd done with their son as he lifted Ellie up into his arms. He needed to get her somewhere safe.
"I am your son, but you're never going to accept that, are you? You're never going to admit that your science is wrong. You're never going to admit that you're failures. You don't know anything about ghosts." Danny shifted Ellie in his arms so she would be more comfortable. She wasn't conscious, but she clung to him all the same.
"But you'll understand one day, when it's too late. The two of you are so ecto contaminated, you'll definitely become ghosts when you die. You infected everyone in the house with your samples and experiments. It won't matter then. Not at the end. I won't forgive you."
"Danny." He looked up at Jazz who was standing in the doorway. She jingled her keys in her hands. "Let's go." Danny had been happy to suffer in silence, but his sister had evidently been making plans for this day.
"Jazz, don't!" Maddie struggled against the ice restraints but couldn't get free.
Jazz gave her a pitying look. "You picked your science over your kids a long time ago." She didn't have more to say, simply nodded at Danny to follow her out of the lab.
Danny pressed his cheek to the top of Ellie's head and followed Jazz out. He didn't give his parents another glance. He wasn't sure when they'd lost his trust fully, but it was gone now. Maybe they'd shot at him one too many times.
"C'mon Ellie, we'll get you taken care of." Danny whispered. He'd remember to release the ice that held his parents in place in a couple hours.
Short idea
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nightshade962 · 28 days ago
I apologize if this is a ramble and not much punctuation it is late I am tired but I want to say this and I cannot write worth a s***
What if there was a fic where Jazz saves Danny from vivasection like she came back from college and was visiting and because she is in so much stress the and because of living in that Ecto contaminated house for so long she manifests a bit of powers and one of them is that she can open portals within their own Realm to different places and she was so stressed and desperate to get her little brother away from what hurt him that her power is manifested and they took him to Gotham dropping right in front of Ivy and Harley Jazz obviously doesn't know where she is she's freaking out her little brother is dying in her arms
IVy and Harley are just kind of freaking out because this teenage girl covered in blood dropped in front of them holding a boy equally if not more so covered in blood but he's like bleeding from his nose and his mouth the same time and they can clearly see he's bleeding through his shirt they're trying to keep a cool head we're trying to get the girl to let them come closer so they can help her brother cuz they clearly had come from a horrible situation and maybe it's at the point where like Harley is kind of close to Batman's family and Batman and it's kind of like Aunt Harley to the bat kids so she gets like on the phone and it's trying to contact with them like hey we have a situation here we could use some discreet medical attention cuz at this point jazz is yelling like no hospitals he can't go to a hospital after Ivy said that they should take him to one
Batman / Bruce Wayne you can decide what Persona they're going to use for this get Harley and Ivy custody of these two kids because obviously they're not in the safe living environment and they refuse to go to their Godfather saying that he's like creepy in that and they just don't trust him especially with some of the things he said( I kind of want Vlad to be like really creepy to Danny if you know what I mean like really creepy creepier the better) Harley and Ivy end up raising Danny even though jazz is at basically an adult they still take her in as like one of their kids because that is Danny's sister even if she's older like an adult age
No this is just a thought feel free to add in like I said I am tired it is late but I had to write this down so sorry if it's rambly and it runs together I didn't have the energy to use proper punctuation feel free to add if you wish I do see it morning being like a Tim / Danny coupling and if you want to like couple Jazz with someone else singing like dick or Barbara or making them in like a Triad and I'll probably be posting more lately fake ideas for different fandoms right now I'm in a real kick of dcxdp so probably going to be a few of those I've said before I can't write at least I can't write fanfiction it does not flow well with me and if any of my writing point on this website points to that then you would understand
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universalookami · 2 months ago
This is to all fanfic authors out there!!
I don’t have the time or the talent to write it myself but this needs to happen please??? Here is my idea.
First of all, Danny comes out as Bi to his parents and it goes really well. Seeing how the Fenton parents changed their tune since they were a bit homophobic before he decided that maybe they would be the same about ghosts if they knew he was Phantom. It does not go well. They trap him in the lab and experiment on him, this includes vivisecting him and cutting his vocal cords so he can't scream. When Jaz tries to stop them they think she is possessed and experiment on her as well. Eventually, Jaz is killed by the Fentons, and Danny breaks out and gets injured in Gotham. He feels so guilty and feels that Jaz's death is his fault, ultimately making it so he does not heal himself and injures his core. Now this is where I don't have many ideas. I know that I want Jason to find him and nurse him back to health and they eventually fall in love. Bruce and Dick are dealing with the G.I.W. in Gotham along with the Fenton parents but trying to keep it away from the others because they think thereafter Jason because they are near Crime Ally. Tim and Stephanie are teamed up with Tucker and Sam doing the same thing as Bruce and Dick but since but don't know they are working the same case. Damian, with the youngest Superboy, is just trying to get a zoo of ghost animals, starting with chasing Cujo all over the city. Duke is starting to see ghosts including are rouges from Amity Park. Cass is trying to keep the League of Assassins out of everybody's way. And how did Babs end up shooting Vlad? I don't know but Harly and Ivy think it is hilarious, Alfred less so.
Yeah, so this is my Idea that I will never write and continue to beg other authors to write about it.
P.S. If you are sad Jaz is dead, don't be. In the end of the series it is revealed that she is a ghost now and is the crown regent so Danny can live his life without the worries of having to live in the realm and be king.
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stormikitty · 1 year ago
Cosmic Love prompt:
Danny and Damian have been engaged since they were babies. The Fentons wanted access to Lazarus water, and they made a deal with the league of assassins to get it. Danny is trans. Danny and Damian haven't seen each other since Damian was 10 (I imagine Danny is anywhere from a few months to a year younger, so Danny was either 9 or 10 at the time). They had been seeing each other twice a year the last time they saw each other. They used to have more time scheduled to spend together before Damian started training to be an assassin. They weren't getting along when they last saw each other. Danny was upset/angry that his life had been planned out for him and that he was going to be in an arranged marriage. Damian was kind of a jerk at the time (because of trauma but he was still a jerk), and he thought Danny was being a jerk too because having his whole life planned for him was all Damian knew and it didn't make sense to him to get upset about it because that's his reality that he just had to accept. Damian does care about Danny, and cares about what he wants too. But they were kids. They were upset about their situation and frustrated and angry with each other and their families. They haven't had contact with each other at all since Damian came to Gotham.
Skip forward a few years and Damian has fallen in love with his best friend, Jon. He tells his family and Jon about the arranged marriage even though it's likely not going to be a thing anymore since he has cut ties with the league.
Damian and Jon start dating.
Danny is 16 and on the run from his parents and the GIW. He only managed to escape after he had already been captured and vivisected. He goes to Gotham because it'll be harder for his parents and the GIW to find him there. He runs into Damian and Jon at a park while he's at a point in his life where he's got nothing left an he's just sad, scared, angry, lonely, and he'd just about sell what's left of his life for a hug.
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moonsart · 1 year ago
Omori x DP AU from my previous post
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[TW for dissection and medical imagery under cut]
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stars-obsession-pit · 9 months ago
Just passing through
Damian was used to expecting the unexpected. He had been raised to be the best, and had only honed his skills further as Robin.
But nothing could have prepared him to see his previously-thought-dead twin robbing one of their safehouses blind before booking it like he had the hounds of hell on his heels.
This warranted further exploration. Maybe this time Damian wouldn’t fail to protect him.
(or in other words, Danny (formerly Danyal al Ghul) is on the run from the GIW and/or his parents and passes by Damian at least once on his disorganized fleeing, leading Damian to start trying to track him down too).
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letoasai · 2 years ago
DP- Father Time
What if…. Clockwork was around far longer than Danny knew…. 
Life was a parade, and Clockwork had the best view. He was the master of time, he knew all of what was and what wasn’t. He saw the threads of every timeline, and took the best each had to offer for the most people. 
He had pride in his work, and an annoying habit of always being right. How could he be wrong when he knew the future. He knew every future. This was one of the major reasons he was irritated when someone, namely the Observants, decided to tell him how to do his job. 
They saw what was laid out in front of them. They saw what he laid out in front of them. They were spectators that clung too tightly to their oaths to merely watch, while cheating at the motion in the same breath. They acted so haughty but thought nothing of turning around and demanding Clockwork do this or that for them. 
Clockwork would generally avoid having to deal with them by agreeing ‘something’ needed to be ‘done’ and then go back to doing what he wanted in the first place. Observers they might be, ancient even, but they did not have the power to watch his every move. He directed things in the right direction, the way he always had with or without their say so. 
The future he had been keeping an eye on was swiftly on its way to becoming the present. The thrill of it put a smile on his face. Frankly it had been a while since he’d been so eager for anything. 
He’d be busy, but time was such a controllable thing for him. 
Making a portal to the moral plane, Clockwork floated through, remaining invisible. The house was the cozy sort, and deceiving normal though he knew it wouldn’t be for long. The hideous space like craft structure wasn’t yet protruding from the roof like an unwanted appendage. The glowing Fenton Works sign wasn’t out front yet either. 
The contamination was present however. It was still in low, nearly unnoticeable amounts, but that was still double what was generally found in nature. At least in normal places that weren’t consecrated grounds or otherwise filled with abnormal levels of death. 
This really was no place for children. 
Unseen by the two small occupants in the room, he observed as a small boy was seated at the kitchen table, watching nervously while his older sister knelt on a chair at the counter, carefully pouring juice into a sippy cup. It was a small task, but not one such small children should have been dealing with unsupervised. 
“Almost done, Danny.” Jazz said, turning to look at him with a smile. She only just barely noticed the way the chair wobbled, and didn’t notice how it stilled right after, Clockwork holding out an unseen hand to steady it with his telekinesis. It might have been a small thing, but it was unnecessary to have a timeline where the small girl fell off her chair and cracked her head on the counter. She would end up fine, and with seventeen stitches. Her younger brother, terrified of climbing on the kitchen chairs for the following five years. 
It could be skipped. 
It might have been meddling, but after the burden these two would end up growing up with, he saw no reason not to show them occasional good fortune. 
Jazz climbed down from the counter, a sippy cup and small plastic cup in each hand. She set them on the table before running back to the counter to grab the peanut butter sandwiches she’d set on a paper towel. 
It was lunch for two, and both were so young they didn’t see anything wrong with this scenario. It was perhaps wrong to interfere, but Clockwork saw a future that depended on both of them. Young Danny was going to be immensely important, and he would always cling to his sisters unwavering support. 
There were too many futures where accidents harmed these children before the proper timeline could come into effect. Some where one or both children died before puberty even. That could not be allowed to happen, not if he wanted the most ideal time line. 
The problem with that was that there wasn’t always someone present to protect them. Meddling be damned, he was not going to have the future suffer for such a small reason. 
“I found extra new books in my closet!” Jazz said, as she climbed onto her chair at the table. “I’ll read to you after we eat!” 
Danny was small, and possibly should have still been in some kind of booster seat at the table. Instead, he sat on a phone book, and even then was too small to do much more than see over the table. He didn’t talk much. Whether he was too small, or delayed in his milestones, Clockwork wasn’t sure. 
For all his infinite knowledge, child care wasn’t something he would have put on a resume of his skills. Leaving a few books around for the children was easy enough, but care was something rather different. 
Danny ate silently, his feet kicking to show his good mood. Neither child seemed worried about the fact that their parents were locked away in the basement, oblivious to how much time was really passing. 
As the keeper of time he could understand that, but he didn’t think it an excuse to not have proper priorities in place. 
“You can pick the book, okay? One of them has planets on it.” 
Danny’s smile grew, eyes nearly shining with excitement. 
“We’ll start with that one.” Jazz promised. 
Clockwork hovered, deciding he could leave them for the time being. It was a shame that little Jasmine had to be so responsible but the accident had been avoided. Today was a success for the timeline. 
At least they didn’t have to worry about the food from the fridge attacking them just yet. That was a set period of time that Clockwork was not actively looking forward to. The Fenton Parents were quite the extraordinary inventors, but they were rather lacking as parents. It was a shame that even in the best timeline possible so far, the pair had never really realized it. 
While some might have called it interference, Clockwork didn’t see it that way. Since he didn’t need to ask permission of anyone to do his job, he used his judgment, as always. 
At best he could visit the Fenton children every couple of weeks to check in or prevent something terrible from happening. At worst, he was there often. The record so far was needing to show up eight days in a row to either prevent a stressful near future, or to just plain take care of the children in some other way. 
The tasks he could do invisibly and unobtrusively were the easiest to handle. The ones were he couldn’t avoid being seen where… questionable. 
The one night he slid into Danny’s room, even the ticking of his own clock stuttered at the sight of the small boy crying into his pillow after a nightmare. He was going to have a few stern words for Nocturn. 
He lifted the child up into his arms, cradling him against his shoulder and maintaining his adult form for this venture. The last thing he needed was to shift into his child form while holding a child. 
For Danny’s part, he didn’t bat an eye, just continued to cry softly. He was still small enough that he didn’t care about the stranger in his bedroom. He only cared about the comfort he was getting and the rocking back and forth motion. 
This interaction would cost him nothing. Tonight, Danny would be soothed and as he grew older, he would forget this moment ever happened. It would fade into dream-like memories. 
“Those scary things can’t hurt you, little King to be.” Clockwork muttered, wiping at the tears falling down Danny’s face. 
Blue eyes looked up at him owlishly, lips still wobbling from his fright. 
“You just need a distraction.” Clockwork whispered, not wanting to wake anyone in the house. It likely would have only been Jazz though. The Fenton parents were either in the basement or out attempting to hunt what wasn’t yet a problem in Amity Park. He hadn’t bothered to look, he only knew enough to know he wouldn’t be seen or interrupted. 
“Nn..” Danny reached up to tug on the hem of his hood. 
“Yes.” Clockwork said, ectoplasm filling his palm. The glowing ball snatched Danny’s attention away in an instant, the child reaching for it only to be pulled away. “Not yet. Touching it isn’t safe for you yet.” 
Danny stretched again, sniffing back tears as he attempted to reach for it a second time. Instead, the ectoplasm split apart into a dozen little pieces. Each floated up towards the ceiling, rearranging themselves into rough star shapes. 
“St-!” Danny pointed up at them, a smile slowly spreading across his little face. 
“How about you keep these for the night?” Clockwork asked, “They’ll keep the bad dreams away.”
The toddler was enthralled, head tilted back. 
Clockwork laid Danny back down in bed, tucking him in and kneeling at the edge of his bed. “These will watch over you, okay?” 
“Nhnn.” Danny’s smile remained, he only spared Clockwork another peaceful look before he looked back up at the ectoplasm stars. Normally, the exposure probably would have been unhealthy but the children were exposed enough. This little bit wouldn’t do any harm. He’d checked. 
For several long minutes Clockwork watched him, the child’s eyes blinking slowly. Sleep was tugging at him, but his desire to look at the stars was strong. 
“There are scary things out there, little King to be.” Clockwork said softly. “But there are plenty of good things out there too if you look.” 
Danny pointed up at the ectoplasm again, the green light spread across the room. 
“Goodnight, Danny.” Clockwork said, knowing it would only be minutes before the child’s eyes closed for a much more peaceful bout of sleeping. 
Not for the first time, Clockwork found himself surprised by the very future he had already predicted. Knowing the future and living through it in the present were incomparable. Emotions were vast, every ghost knew that in particular. Emotions overflowed for them, and while Clockwork knew he would care about the children, feeling that affection first hand was overwhelming. 
The disdain he felt for the ghost hunting Fentons grew as their lack of positive parenting became evident. It wasn’t just their ghost hunting focus that was getting on his nerves, though it hadn’t happened yet, but their poor interactions with their own children.
It shouldn’t have been up to Jazz to take care of her little brother. She went as far as to drop him off at daycare by herself before walking to school alone. Once or twice Clockwork would appear, invisibly hovering beside her to make sure she got to both places safely. Once he’d pulled her and her brother out of the way from being clipped by a car, and twice since then he stopped time momentarily to hold the red lights and let Jazz cross the street on her little legs.
It was frankly outrageous that no one seemed to notice the dangers these kids were constantly in, or the neglect they suffered. All the same, even he could only meddle so much, and he was far more than he realized he’d need to. 
As much as he tried to stay out of sight, some occasions were impossible. When he needed to apply baid-aids to both of Danny’s knees when he fell on the concrete steps outside of the house, or when he appeared behind Jazz as a spectral terror to scare away a young man who was following the little girl to the corner store with awful intentions in mind. 
The last one had almost been a disaster when Jazz turned around and looked up at him, then at the young man running away as fear gripped his heart. 
“Thank you.” Jazz said, though she didn’t quite understand what she was thanking him for. She turned around, marching right back to the corner store with dollar bills in her change purse. 
“You’re welcome, Jazz.” He muttered before fading away from sight. Even while being among his predictions of possible outcomes, it was a strange reaction from the little girl who’s parents ranted about ghosts. The blanket acceptance for receiving help. 
He didn’t know where her kindness came from, but it was imperative that she passed it on to her brother. She was small, but she was smart. She was reading at a second grade level already, and wrote on the wall calendar what days the bills were due. She was responsible beyond her years, not out of want but necessity. 
If Clockwork helped distract Danny for a while so she was able to read or make sandwiches for them, that was their collective business, just the three of them. 
“Mr. Ghost.” Jazz blinked up at him one afternoon. She was fidgeting and ended up dropping her gaze to her feet. “Can you help me lift the bottle?” 
“The…bottle?” He stared at her. Danny ran towards them, running through Clockwork and falling onto his hands and knees with a laugh. The small boy kept trying to grab Clockwork's ghost tail and was endlessly thrilled by not being able to touch it. 
“Yeah, for the dirty clothes. I read the directions but i can’t lift the bottle. It’s heavy.” Jazz said, holding out a hand for Danny to help regain his balance. 
“Yes. I can help you.” Clockwork said. It was easy to be proud of these children, and quietly infuriating that it was necessary. 
It wasn’t just that Jazz had learned to be so self sufficient, it was that Danny knew to stay by his sister. While Jazz tossed their clothes into the washing machine, and Clockwork helped Jazz measure out the detergent, Danny sat on the floor nearby playing with a spaceship that Jazz had made for him out of paper plates, duct tape, and plastic straws. 
These kids were growing up with only occasional visits from their parents while living in the same house. 
“Thank you.” Jazz said when they had finished. 
“You’re quite welcome, Jazz.” 
It was almost sad how the Fentons had no idea there was a ghost in their home. Until they did, or until they suspected something was strange. 
Danny was little, and didn’t know who he was supposed to share things with, or what he was supposed to keep secret. When he started to talk about his flying friend, his see-through friend, the Fentons over reacted. 
Clockwork might have had to stay out of the house for a few weeks, but he still watched carefully as Jack and Maddie searched the house, Danny’s room in particular. Ghost hunting was their obsession and they took a toddler at his word. 
When he finally started crying over his parents too loud, nearly volatile search, Jazz lost her temper. 
“He just has an imaginary friend! It’s not real! Not everything is a ghost! Ghosts aren’t real!” 
“Now, Jazz.” Maddie tried to soothe her. “If he says he saw-” 
“He’s a baby! All you talk about is ghosts. Of course his imaginary friend would look like a ghost, but you aren’t finding anything, are you?! Ghosts aren’t real!” She took Danny’s hand and stomped off to her own room where they could play in peace, away from the whirling alarms of ghost gadgets. 
It was the stance the small girl would take for years. Ghosts did not exist, while she knew very well that they did. She chose to protect Clockwork over letting her parents know that there had been a ghost in the house. 
It was however, a reminder to Clockwork that he was becoming a little too complacent. He was being seen a little too often. Danny couldn’t know about him until the time was right, but Jazz was more than capable of keeping quiet. 
He continued to tuck Danny in after a nightmare and a night of glowing ectoplasm stars on the ceiling. He also continued to help Jazz when something was just a little out of her means, but otherwise did better to stay hidden. 
Even invisible, Jazz often knew when he was around. It had Clockwork smiling at the future where she would be in full control of her liminality. The kids were growing to be quite capable. 
In theory, Clockwork had been looking forward to the day where Danny became a halfa. It was the start of so much, the next checkpoint of the most favorable future. It was a sure thing now, but Clockwork’s own emotions were wavering the day in question. Watching Danny head down into the lab with his two friends trailing behind him had him feeling sick. Yes, Danny would become a halfa, and someday he would become king, but now, this day, Danny was going to die. 
Had there been another way, Clockwork would have considered it. Instead, all he could do was be present, watching invisibly as the child he’d helped raise was killed and born anew in the same breath. It was the most terrible thing he’d seen in recent memory. 
It was difficult not to immediately rush to his side. To offer to teach him how to use the new abilities he’d just gain. He saw the fear on Danny’s face, and saw the cold air puff between his lips. Danny didn’t yet know what his ghost sense was. He didn’t know Clockwork was in the very same room with him. This was the start, and like always, Clockwork would be watching. He would do what he was able to keep the boy safe, and winced at the months it would take before Jazz caught on to what was happening. 
Her brother becoming a halfa was not in the realm of possibilities that she was expecting but she would be his support, well versed by that point that their were both good and bad ghosts. 
Someday, Clockwork might tell Danny how long he’d been in his life. Someday, Danny might forgive him for his rough half ghost beginning and letting things fall where they were meant to. He didn’t revel in Danny’s struggles, but those struggles were what would make him a fitting king. 
Soon he’d get to introduce himself to Danny, and his first task for the boy would be a harrowing one, but he knew what Danny could do when he tried. Until then, Clockwork would watch the parade from above, his pride in the Fenton children immeasurable.
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moonlight-stalker · 2 years ago
# 65 Dc x Dp
Danny's parents find out he is Phantom they believe him when he said he was their son but came to the conclusion that he could not rest so they made a very Pontent sleeping drug and gave it to him then they put him in a ghost prof coffin and drove out of amity park to go bury him and did not tell anyone so they couldn't go find him and unburied him the Justice League are getting threaten with war if the citizens of the infinite realms don't get their king back
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 2 years ago
Something incredibly damning for Maddie and Jack is that in all the time Jazz knows about Danny:
She never once ever so much as even suggests telling them about Phantom.
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deathlysilent13 · 1 year ago
DPxDC Fic Snippet: Host Club Danny
(Before we get going: this is not a Mature rated story. Genuine Host clubs/Hostess clubs have very little, if any, physical interaction and it is absolutely not sexual. Ouran High School Host Club is inaccurate, though I did draw from a tiny bit of that, as well. Basics to note: Danny co-owns the club with Harvey Dent, and very, very rarely works the floor, but when Harvey's friend's kids need a safe space, is there really any one else can can be trusted? Also, another Bad Fenton Parent story, though that isn't really more than background here.)
They reach for the food at the same time, dishing samplings of the cooking. “There’s so many things I want to throw at you,” Tim murmurs, staring down at his bruschetta, “but that NDA definitely threw me off. Don’t bother, I texted Damian, he’s already confirmed it’s damn near identical to the one he signed. You’re actually that serious about not breaking confidence, aren’t you?” 
Danny nods, digging into the caprese salad. “Our guests come to be heard without judgment, to slough off the woes of the world for a moment. That can’t happen if they have to be on edge wondering what we’re going to tattle about, whether they’re going to be Miss Vale’s latest story.” He pins Tim with a sharp look, because one of the Wayne siblings had, in fact, been in the news that morning. 
Tim grimaces. “Yeah, that’s Dick for you,” he grumbles. “Man grew up in the circus and despite living in Gotham as long as he has, he still hates being on the ground.” 
Danny smirks. He’s been told about two of the chandelier incidents. From the look on Tim’s face, he sees it, because the man just groans again. 
They get through the appetizers, and Danny’s setting Tim’s entree in front of him before he speaks again. “So, since I can’t ask about my brother,” Tim starts, pointing a fork at him, “the hell was with the bilateral NDA? Why would something like that be necessary?” 
Danny settles back in his chair, making sure he’s still outwardly calm. “Because you’re not the only one with more than one face,” he answers simply as he tucks into his mushroom risotto with truffle oil. 
Tim blinks, filet mignon halfway to his mouth. “I genuinely can’t tell what that means,” he says almost accusingly as he finally bites into his dinner. 
Danny gives him a moment to savor. “It means everything said in this room is safe, no matter how dangerous it may be elsewhere,” he answers, keeping things simple. He won’t verify anything just yet, but honestly he has a sneaking suspicion that Tim’s enjoying the attention. 
The man narrows his eyes, staring at Danny through two more bites. Instead of firing another question at Danny, however, he pulls out his phone and stares at it like it personally offended him. “What the hell did he tell you?” the man mutters, though mostly to himself. 
Danny sips his chardonnay. “He told me what he needed to,” he says. “The point is to provide a safe space to let things off the chest. You have a copy of the NDA.” The last is a reminder, and one that has Tim’s eyes widening before narrowing. 
Danny can’t help his smirk, which just makes Tim scowl. “What? You wanna talk about the years I spent alone in a house my parents couldn’t bother to heat while they were traipsing all over the country without me?” he asks sharply, though Danny can see scars long healed in his words. “Or about taking on a responsibility I never asked for because my hero had died and the city’s protector was going to kill someone if things didn’t change? The attempt on my life someplace I was supposed to be safe for trying to fill shoes I knew from the beginning were beyond me?”
Danny blinks, watching Tim rapidly approaching a breakdown. He’s pieced some of it together since learning that Damian was Robin, that Tim was before him. He doesn’t have everything, though. He manages not to sigh, wondering how many times he’s going to tell this family his own story to work around their blocks. So he does, telling him exactly what he’d told Damian about his accident, the portal, and his parents. Tim’s eyes go wider and wider as Danny continues, and he can see that the reason for the NDA sinks home. 
Tim, thankfully, is just about done with his food, because it’s forgotten. “What the fuck,” he says hollowly. “You…..your parents?” Danny just nods. 
Tim’s hand rakes through his hair. Danny watches him stare into his pinot noir. “I never wanted the cape,” he whispers. Danny can hear the confession, the secret he’s terrified to speak. “The second Robin had been killed by the Joker, Batman was losing it. Getting rougher, breaking bones for even petty crime. I’d been chasing them for years, watching. He’d caught me once, that Robin.” He pauses here, his face falling into a despondent sort of fondness. “I’d slipped off a fire escape and he was just there. Closest thing to a friend I had, and honestly if things had been different I might have loved him. I needed to help Batman, needed to get him back to the man my Robin believed in.” His breath hitches. 
Danny sits quietly, letting him talk. He doesn’t much like the picture being painted. “The failure of an adult is not a child’s burden,” he says quietly. “You should never have had to make that choice.” 
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stars-obsession-pit · 3 months ago
After a reveal went wrong, Danny and Phantom are forcibly split apart by a new and improved Fenton Ghost Catcher.
Even once they both escape, they find they can’t just phase back together. And unlike before, this version of the device doesn’t offer an easy way to re-merge.
Danny thinks he’ll be able to fix it with enough time and resources, but he has to get to a safe place first. Thus, he ends up absconding to Gotham, hoping its natural ectoplasm levels will help hide him.
Which was going great at first, until they started to get the sense that someone, or perhaps something, was spying on them—or more specifically, on Phantom.
They think it might be a ghost, but it doesn’t feel quite like the ones they’ve fought before.
Boston Brand thinks he might be out of his depth. He’d never seen anything like this spirit before, but he was pretty sure it was a lot stronger than him. But considering how it was controlling the body of a teenager, he couldn’t just leave it be either.
Luckily, it didn’t seem to be able to clearly see him. It definitely was developing an inkling of something, but not enough to outright confront him yet. He only hoped he’d be able to find something of a weakness before it managed to lock onto him.
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 2 years ago
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
If Maddie and Jack were good parents then Danny wouldn't be Phantom.
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frostbiteicebow · 29 days ago
Just gonna throw this into the mix, imagine that the experiments the GIW/Fentons put Damian through actually convert him into a halfa. Danny then, in the middle of being experimented on and trying to keep the existence of halfas secret, has to teach Damian how to control his instincts/powers while under duress. They basically speed run training when both of them are coherent enough to hide things.
By the time they get out it’s ingrained in both of them to hide their ghost half. When they meet/return to the bats they don’t even think to mention it. They don’t use their abilities either unless they’re positive they won’t be caught. The longer they hide it the more stressed they both get. The bats can’t tell why neither boy seems to really trust them.
Ooooh I just came up with an idea
You know all of this fics where Danny is an alternate universe version of like Bruce or Jason? What if it was with Damian
There could be some kind of ritual that sends Damian into Danny’s universe only they both get caught by the GIW and Everything Goes Wrong
By that I mean both of them get vivisected. And the Fentons should do at least some of it, and that Jack looks just like Bruce for extra ✨trauma✨
They both go on the Road Trip of Hell while escaping and Danny’s just working on building a temporary portal to the Ghost Zone/Damian’s home dimension.
I want Danny to lean out of a car with like a mcguivered bazooka or something to try and drive off the GIW for a while with some kind of crazy/stressed smile back at Damian.
I want little moments where they’re bonding/teaching each other how to fight (Because Damian knows formal fighting, and if we go with Danny knowing some self defense from his mom he’s not completely horrible at it, but Danny knows how to fight like a feral raccoon. It’s effective and Damian DOES like animals right?)
I want them to finally get to Damian’s dimension and when they finally finally gets to the bats and Bruce reaches out to help his son Damian flinches
And then I want it to get into the fluff/healing/trauma dumping part where the newly dubbed twins (who get along scarily well and everyone is pretty sure are trauma bonded) are healing while simultaneously causing the other bats to become more and more distressed (it may or may not be on purpose)
It would also be pretty cool if their habits and mannerisms rubbed off on one another, so they can be uncannily similar one moment then completely different the next
I also had the idea of them being literally the same soul- like, the soul that originally formed was completely identical when they were babies but diverged due to different experiences, so it’s literally a ‘same soul two bodies’ thing. I just think it would be neat, even if it’s not even really mentioned, but just like, Implied you know?
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batsyheere · 5 months ago
Bruce tries to adopt Ellie, who is immediately against it. She keeps throwing him off her trail and he keeps tracking her down. She's honestly concerned, and normally she would handle her problems by herself- but this is Batman.
So when Bruce gets a little too close and Ellie is just so tired... she calls for Danny.
Cue college student, perpetually tired and overworked Danny "High King Phantom" Fenton appearing from the very shadows Batman normally does himself, seeing the situation and going off at this "clearly older man" chasing his daughter in the middle of the night.
Cue the most elaborate "stop trying to adopt my kid before I adopt yours" series of battles
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